Method Of Cooking Rice

The rice should be cleaned properly. A good way to do it in a colander in a deep pan of water. Rub the rice goes well with your hands, lift the filter in and out of the water and the water until it runs clear, drain then leave. Thus, the grains are deposited in the water and the rice is clean.

The best method of cooking rice is steamed. When cooked with water, it loses some of its already small percentage of nitrogenous elements. It requires much less time to cook than any other grain. Like all grains, nuts and seeds, rice swells in cooking to several times its original volume. Once cooked, each grain of rice should be separate and distinct, but perfectly smooth.

Steamed rice
Enjoy a cup of rice in a cup and a quart of water for an hour, then a cup of milk, turn into a serving dish on the table cover, and steam in a steam cooker or a pot boiling water and steam for one hour. Should be stirred occasionally with a fork, for the first ten or fifteen minutes.

Boiled rice (japanese method).
Clean Soak the rice by washing in several waters and at night. In the morning, drain and cook in an equal amount of boiling water, ie, one liter of water to a liter of rice. To cook, a pot with tight fitting lids are used. Heat bring water to boil, add rice, and after stirring, put on the cover, which should not be removed during cooking. First, the water boils, steam blowing freely under the hood, but if the water is almost evaporated, being watched by eight to ten minutes, depending on the age and quality of rice, only a suggestion of low pressure steam, and the pot should then fire to a certain place on the beach where it does not burn, swell and remove dry for fifteen minutes or twenty.

Rice cooked in the usual way, it takes two liters of boiling water for a cup of rice. Should be boiled rapidly until tender, then suddenly, dehydrated and in a moderate oven to become dry. Collection and light lifting occasionally with a fork, dry and flaky. Care must be taken not to crush the rice grains.

Rice with fig sauce
Steam from a cup of rice, which is described so well, and when done, serve with a fig sauce. a spoonful of fig sauce with each dish of rice and serve with lots of cream dish. Rice, in this way requires no sugar for dressing, and breakfast is a healthy meal.

Orange rice.
Wash rice and steam. Prepare oranges by separating into sections and each section cut in half, remove seeds and the white part. Sprinkle the oranges with a little sugar can and support during the cooking of rice. Serve a portion of the orange on each plate of rice.

Rice with raisins.
Wash one cup of rice, soak and cook the rice as directed. After the rice has begun to swell, but before it is soft, mix gently with a fork for this purpose, a cup of raisins. Serve with cream.

Rice with peaches.
Steam the rice and when done, serve with whipped cream and a ripe peach very well prepared and cut into slices on each plate.

Golden Rice.
Spread a cup of brown rice in a shallow baking pan and put in a moderately hot oven. Should be stirred frequently to prevent burning and to ensure a uniform color. Each grain of rice, which should have enough gold, yellow-brown, the color of ripe wheat. Steam the same as normal rice made with just two cups of water for each cup of golden rice, and omitting the preliminary soaking. If properly cooked, each grain is separate, dry and mealy. The rice is prepared in this way undoubtedly more digestible than when cooked without browning.

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